The port of Rio looks so wonderful as Puerto Madero in Buenos Aires. Lots of lights, lots of modern buildings a very fancy decoration. I was able to film all the islands and surrounding ships, as the Eclipse took some time to depart. I wish I was able to stay more time in this city. 8 hours are really few. We were on the sixth deck, and the view was obstructed, but I was able to record worthy stuff. I was surprised there are apartments even in the twelve floor. Enjoy these amazing views of Rio!
Views of Rio de Janeiro Harbour
cruisecruise shipcelebritycelebrity eclipseriorio de janeiroBrasilBrazilBrasiliencelebrity eclipse shipcelebrity eclipse cruisecrucerocrucero eclipsecrucero celebrity eclipsecelebrity eclipse KreuzfahrtsailingsailortravelingmarineropoviPhonepanoramicset sailtransatlantictransatlanticoatlantic oceanoceano atlanticodecemberdecember 2018guanabaraguanabara baybahia de guanabaraoceanoceanoseaseasboatdeckship decksnaviobarco