Severe cold conditions combined with dense fog wreaked havoc across North India on Friday, disrupting daily life and travel plans. Cities across the region, from Srinagar to Delhi and beyond, reported plummeting temperatures and minimal visibility, creating challenges for commuters and locals alike.
In Srinagar, the ongoing Chillai-Kalan—a 40-day period of intense cold—has brought minimum temperatures below the freezing point for several days. On Friday, dense fog blanketed the Valley, adding to the hardships faced by residents.
Delhi woke up to zero visibility, as reported by the Indian Meteorological Department, throwing road and rail traffic into disarray. At New Delhi Railway Station, passengers expressed frustration over train delays, some of which exceeded three hours.
Similarly, Punjab’s cities like Moga and Hoshiarpur experienced dense fog, while residents in Varanasi and Haridwar struggled with the biting cold and near-invisible roads.
Temperatures across 50 districts in North and Central India have plunged to more than 5 degrees Celsius below normal.
#northindiaweather #coldwave #fog #zerovisibility
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