In a series of intense operations, Ukrainian forces, led by the 61st Airborne Reconnaissance Brigade, launched multiple drone strikes, thwarting Russian advances. Ukrainian reconnaissance drones identified Russian soldiers hiding in a basement, forcing them into the open after a Hunter drone destroyed the entrance. As the Russians fled, Ukrainian infantry fired, with drones tracking and eliminating each soldier.
In another operation, the Black Raven Team neutralized Russian soldiers trapped in the wreckage of an IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) using multiple Hunter drones. The precision of these strikes left no survivors, highlighting the effectiveness of Ukrainian drone warfare.
On another front, the Lyut Brigade countered six Russian soldiers advancing toward Ukrainian positions. A kamikaze drone intercepted them, followed by artillery strikes that thwarted the Russian advance. Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces targeted a Russian mortar team and ammunition-laden truck with a drone strike, resulting in a massive explosion that wiped out the team.
In a ruined town, the GRIFFON 501 Drone Team launched coordinated strikes on Russian underground hideouts, destroying their positions and ammunition depots. Finally, a Russian convoy fell into a trap when its lead tank struck a mine. Drones then targeted additional vehicles, leaving the convoy in chaos and eliminating Russian forces attempting to flee.
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