Mūzika / Music: Toms Jēkabs Kagainis, Emmy Kristine Guttulsud Kristiansen, Oscar Immanuel Mathisen, Mikus Frišfelds, Dagnis Roziņš
Vārdi / Lyrics: Jānis Pētersons, Dagnis Roziņš, Toms Jēkabs Kagainis, Mikus Frišfelds
Grupa “Citi Zēni” savu mūziku raksturo kā “vispirms sakratītu un pēc tam atvērtu svaiga tonika bundžiņu”. Eksplozīva priekšnesumu enerģija un ekscentrisks stils ir grupas vizītkarte. “Citi zēni” izdevuši divus studijas albumus – “Suņi iziet ielās” (2021) un “Cits līmenis” (2024). Grupas hiti guvuši klausītāju un kritiķu atzinību, saņemot “Zelta mikrofonu” un triumfējot “Muzikālajā bankā”. 2022. gadā grupa ar dziesmu dziesma “Eat Your Salad” pārstāvēja Latviju Eirovīzijā. Grupas sastāvā ir Jānis Pētersons (vokāls), Dagnis Roziņš (vokāls & saksofons), Toms Jēkabs Kagainis (bungas), Krišjānis Ozols (ģitāra) un Reinis Višķeris (sintezators).
This anxiousness is building up
It's crossing rivers and running
That anxiousness is coming home
Makes even the sheets blush
It happens to everyone
And you can't escape either
Kind of anxiousness that makes
Even stadiums to pulsate
It resonates in you - it comes from nothing
It's already yours - it comes for free
It doesn't matter in what time or place
It's deep within our core
Just come along, dance and don't ask
Come bare foot or wear your shoes
Give in and don't overthink it
The ramtai ridi rā is pulsating
Ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-radiridirīdi x8
It pulses within me
As a primal mantra
I hear it in my heart
Something tingles within
We sing this word
But what does it really mean?
Nothing, but everything
The whole arena is on its feet
It resonates in you - it comes from nothing
It's already yours - it comes for free
It doesn't matter in what time or place
The ramtai ridi rā is pulsating
Ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-ramtai- ramtai-ramtai-radiridirīdi x8
You hear it in happiness & adversity
You even hear it on your hard drive
It's heard in every cuckoo's nest
But what does it really mean?
The daughters know it, the sons know it
Even fairy-tale characters know it
Market wives know it, "Citi Zēni" know it
They know "Ramtai" since they were kids
Nobody knows how to explain it
Ramtai cannot be shared easily
Says so much without saying anything
But now a few words for those who don't understand
Now you gotta get up on the beat
And keep it going like you mean it
With a Ramtai blast
Ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-ramtai-radiridirīdi x8
The time & place don't matter
The ramtai ridi rā is pulsating
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