Standard Bank South Africa is a Hortonworks client, with several multi-node clusters hosting Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) and Hortonworks Data Flow (HDF). This presentation will discuss the technical detail of implementing security, governance and multi-tenancy on a "Data Lake" within the finance industry. The talk will address the team's experiences, challenges, failures and learnings that we took away from this behemoth of an adventure.
After introducing Standard Bank and the Hadoop admin team, the presentation will describe the security and governance journey Standard Bank has undergone since the project's inception in 2015, as well as the roadmap for the future ahead.
Presentation structure:
1. Team introduction with background information
2. Environment overview (Where we are - Current)
---------Authentication through Kerberos and LDAP/ AD
---------Authorization through Ranger and Centrify
---------Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) at rest
---------Centralized auditing
---------Ranger policies and data steward ownership
---------Data lake Vs. data analytics platform
---------Edge nodes Vs. API framework through Knox
3. How did we get to this stage? (Past)
-----Challenges faced (Kerberos, AD integration, SSL)
-----How we overcame these challenges
4. Future challenges we foresee (Future)
-----How we are planning to prepare for them
Ian Pillay, Hadop Administrator, Standard Bank
Brad Smith, Hadoop Administrator, Standard Bank South Africa
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