(Language:English/french). Right 2nd stage tympanoplasty with stapedotomy, vein graft interposition and ossiculoplasty with total ossicular replacement prosthesis (TORP) for severe oval window tympanosclerosis and missing incus. Transcanal approach. The 1st stage tympanoplasty was performed 6 months before by the same surgeon consisting in TM grafting (Type 1 - myringoplasty) using a perichondrial graft for total tympanic membrane (TM) perforation. Middle ear exploration revealed a simultaneous tympanosclerotic stapes ankylosis with incus erosion. Stapedotomy was not performed during this 1st stage because of the TM perforation. Total ossicular chain reconstruction with TORP, with malleus relocation. This video emphazises the specific technique of drilling out a stapedotomy in case of severe OW tympanosclerosis using a combination of diamond dust burr and hand held diode laser (NeoV). Dr Robert Vincent, Causse Ear Clinic, Colombiers (Béziers), France.
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