Apil Tripathi is currently putting intense pressure on the police and government lawyers, questioning where the forged check with Rabi's fake signature came from and who committed the forgery. There is widespread public suspicion that Gagan Thapa, in collaboration with Kantipur, might have orchestrated the issuance of a check with a forged signature, reminiscent of when former Prime Minister KP Oli was mockingly called "Krite Prasad Oli."
Apil Tripathi states that when inquiries were made with the police regarding Rabi, the response was that everything was proceeding according to the law and that they were following legal procedures. However, he questions which law grants the right to file charges against Rabi based on fake signatures and fabricated evidence. He adds that this so-called "legal investigation" seems to be a farce and wonders if this is the reason they claim they cannot disclose details. Highlighting these issues, Apil Tripathi has given the police a tough time.
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