Spring and Summer is usually my busiest times of the year, where I focus more on being outdoors. I love gardening and it's my "me time" where I can plant and watch all my hard work grow. Hope you like the tour. Thank you for watching.
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July Garden Tour Pt. 2
GardenGarden TourJulyHydrangeasRosesOriental LilyStargazerlilliesPalm TreeLemon GrassTomatoWing BeanSoy BeanEdemammeAsian Long BeanSpearmintNectarine TreeCherry TreePersimmon TreePomegranateCherryNectarineCucumberLong CucumberCucamelonKobacha SquashYellow ZucchiniKiwiBlueberriesStrawberriesPansiesAsparagusBananaBanana Tree