Wings of the Himalayas is a documentary that follows the journey of Dr. Tulsi Subedi and Sandesh Gurung, two dedicated Nepali biologists, as they venture into the high-altitude wilderness of Mustang to study the iconic Bearded Vulture. 'Wings of the Himalaya'' invites viewers to witness the challenges, setbacks, and moments of hope in the pursuit of a future where the skies remain clear, ecosystems thrive, and the Bearded Vulture's silhouette remains an enduring symbol of a climate-resilient world.
Wings of the Himalayas | Wildlife documentary Film
Bearded VultureNepalwildlife documentaryHimalayan wildlife filmClimate changeexpeditionMustang regionDr. Tulsi Subedi and Sandesh GurungAnnapurna rangeVultureWildlife filmmaking in NepalPokharabearded vulture eating boneswildlife conservation documentarySony fx6cinematictrailerhimalayahigh altitudejomsommuktinathRaptorseaglesvulture conservationadventureClimate change impactwildlife photographyfilmmakingbuddhismhinduismapple farming