-1/4 jamur tiram -Penyedap -Garam
-1 daun salam -Gula
- 2 Ruas jari kunyit -,2kemiri
- 4 siung bawang merah -1 Cabe
- 3 siung bawang putih - 1 ruas jahe
- 1/2 sdt ketumbar
-1/4 sdt merica
Cara buat
Suir" jamur, siapkn bumbu halus, kupas dan iris bawang merah dan bawang daun,cuci jamur, panaskn air masukn jamur k air pns, tutup/ungkeb sampai kadar air berkurang, angkat dan tiriskn, siapkn minyak pns masukn sasa,bawang dan bumbu halus, tumis hingga wangi, masukn air santan, daun salam penyedap gula garam, masukn jamur, sambil trus d aduk biar santan gk pecah.. Siap untuk d hidangkn
-1/4 Oyster Mushroom -Flavoring -Salt
-1 bay leaf - Sugar
- 2 Fingers of turmeric -,2 candlenuts
- 4 cloves of red onion -1 chili
- 3 cloves of garlic - 1 piece of ginger
- 1/2 tsp coriander
-1/4 tsp pepper
How to make
Suir the mushrooms, prepare the ground spices, peel and slice the onion and green onions, wash the mushrooms, heat the water, add the mushrooms to the water, cover/unkeb until the water content is reduced, remove and drain, prepare the oil, add the sauce, onions and ground spices , stir-fry until fragrant, add coconut milk, bay leaf for seasoning sugar and salt, add mushrooms, while stirring so that the coconut milk doesn't break.. Ready to serve
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