He won the two great US literary awards – and the Pulitzer Prize even twice: Colson Whitehead is the US author of the moment. Wolfram Eilenberger speaks with him about the responsibility that comes with fame and about how resorting to the fantastic may save us.
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Colson Whitehead's ascent to becoming the star of US literature within the past years could not have been any steeper: apart from winning the renowned National Book Award he is also the first author to win the Pulitzer Price for fiction with two successive books. Both novels revive parts of the American history of oppression. "Underground Railroad" is about a network that helped slaves in the 18th and 19th century escape north and in "The Nickel Boys" Whitehead writes about the true story of abuse of black teenagers in a reform school of the sixties. Time magazine put him on the cover as "America's Storyteller", which makes him more than just the storyteller of his generation but of an entire historical experience. In the conversation with Wolfram Eilenberger Whitehead speaks about how he deals with this extreme role, about the art of pretending, and why only fiction can truly free us when reality offers no way out.
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Sternstunde Philosophie vom 24.10.2021
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Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» pflegt den vertieften und kritischen Ideenaustausch und geht den brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit auf den Grund.
Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» schlägt den grossen Bogen von der gesellschaftspolitischen Aktualität zu den Grundfragen der Philosophie: Wer ist wofür verantwortlich, worin besteht die menschliche Freiheit, was bestimmt unseren Lebenssinn? Zu Gast sind Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft – Stimmen, die zum Denken anregen und unser Zeitgeschehen reflektieren und einordnen.
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