Examples of several artist Toneprints including Adam Holzman, Andy Summers, Guthrie Govan, John Petrucci, Nick Beggs, Victor Wooten and more.
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TC Electronic Corona Chorus Artist Toneprints
tc electroniccoronachorustoneprintartistguthrie govanjohn petruccitcdreamscapeflangervibratomodulationtri chorustc electronicsandy summersvictor wootenguitar centerpro guitar shoppedaleffectspedalsstereocustomadam holzmannick beggsphil xbumblefootbrian nutterderek sheriniance 1dann huffida nielsentrichoruswalrus juliamxr chorusboss ce-1boss ce-2boss ch-1small clonenano clonesea machinetc electronic scf