Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:24 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:39 : membuat isian kuotie (making the Guotie filling)
04:38 : bungkus kuotie (wrapping the Guotie)
06:25 : kukus dan pan fried kuotie (steaming and pan-frying the Guotie)
08:35 : membuat saus cocolan (making the dipping sauces)
08:59 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepKuotie #ResepKuotieAyam #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Kuotie Ayam (untuk 3-4 porsi)
200 gr paha ayam giling
½ sdm kaldu ayam bubuk
½ sdt kaldu jamur / penyedap
2 sdt gula pasir
¼ sdt merica
1 sdt kecap asin
1 sdt saus tiram
½ sdt kecap ikan
¼ sdt minyak wijen
100 gr sawi putih
50 gr kucai
1 sdm air jahe
25 gr sohun kering
2 sdt maizena
Bahan cocolan:
1 jempol jahe
2 siung bawang putih cincang halus
2 sdm cuka hitam
2 sdm kecap asin
2 sdm saus sambal
Kulit siomay ([ Ссылка ])
1. Rendam sohun dengan air. Diamkan beberapa saat
2. Potong kecil sawi putih kemudian tumis hingga layu
3. Iris kucai dan potong-potong sohun
4. Di dalam mangkuk campurkan ayam giling, kecap asin, saus tiram, kecap ikan, kaldu ayam bubuk, kaldu jamur, gula pasir, merica, minyak wijen, air jahe, dan maizena, aduk rata
5. Masukkan sawi putih, kucai, dan sohun, aduk rata
6. Basahi pinggiran kulit dengan air. Masukkan 1 sdm isian ke dalam kulit lalu lipat-lipat di satu sisi. Ulangi hingga habis
7. Kukus sebagian kuotie selama 7-8 menit
8. Untuk sisa nya, panaskan wajan susun kuotie lalu masukkan air dan sedikit minyak. Masak di api sedang hingga menyusut
9. Untuk cocolan, iris tipis jahe kemudian campurkan cuka hitam dan kecap asin. Masukkan jahe ke dalam campuran kecap asin
10. Campurkan bawang putih dan saus sambal, aduk rata
11. Kuotie ayam siap disajikan
Chicken Guotie Recipe (yield 3-4 servings)
200 g minced chicken thigh
½ tbsp chicken powder
½ tsp mushroom powder / MSG
2 tsp sugar
¼ tsp pepper
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp oyster sauce
½ tsp fish sauce
¼ tsp sesame oil
100 g Chinese cabbage
50 g chives
1 tbsp ginger extract
25 g dry glass noodles
2 tsp cornstarch
Dipping Sauce ingredients:
1 thumb ginger
2 clove garlic, chopped finely
2 tbsp black vinegar
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp chili sauce
Shumai wrapper ([ Ссылка ])
1. Soak the glass noodles in water for a moment.
2. Slice the Chinese cabbage into small pieces, then stir-fry until it wilts.
3. Slice the chives and glass noodles.
4. In a bowl, combine the minced chicken with soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, chicken powder, mushroom powder, sugar, pepper, sesame oil, ginger extract, and cornstarch. Mix well.
5. Add the cabbage, chives, and glass noodles. Mix well.
6. Wet the edges of the skin with water. Add 1 tbsp of filling on the skin, then fold it close. Repeat until all the filling is finished.
7. Steam some of the Guotie for 7-8 minutes.
8. Pan-fry the rest by placing the Guotie on a hot pan, then add water and a bit of oil. Cook on medium heat until the water evaporates.
9. For the dipping sauce, slice the ginger thinly. Mix black vinegar with soy sauce, then add the ginger in.
10. Mix the garlic with chili sauce.
11. Chicken Guotie is ready to serve.
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Resep KUOTIE AYAM: Praktis Bisa Kukus Atau Panggang!
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