Разбор сложности комбинации Алексея Немова в вольных упражнениях по правилам судейства 2017-2021 года.
Первую победу Алексей Немов одержал в 1989 году на молодёжном первенстве СССР. После удачного старта практически каждый год он стал добиваться выдающихся результатов. В 1990 году Немов стал победителем в отдельных видах многоборья на Спартакиаде учащейся молодёжи СССР. В 1990—1993 годах он был неоднократным участником международных соревнований и победителем как в отдельных видах программы, так и в абсолютном первенстве.
В 1993 году Немов завоёвывает победу на Кубке РСФСР в многоборье, а на международной встрече «Звёзды мира 94» становится бронзовым призёром в многоборье. Через год Алексей Немов побеждает на чемпионате России, становится четырёхкратным чемпионом Игр доброй воли в Санкт-Петербурге и получает три золотых и одну серебряную медаль на чемпионате Европы в Италии.
На XXVI Олимпийских играх в Атланте (США) Алексей Немов становится двукратным олимпийским чемпионом, получает две золотые, одну серебряную и три бронзовые медали. В 1997 году он завоёвывает золотую медаль на чемпионате мира в Швейцарии. В 2000 году Алексей Немов побеждает на чемпионатах мира и Европы, становится призёром Кубка мира. На XXVII Олимпийских играх в Сиднее (Австралия) Алексей стал абсолютным чемпионом, завоевав шесть олимпийских медалей: две золотые, одну серебряную и три бронзовые.
Alexey Nemov won his first victory in 1989 at the USSR youth championship. After a successful start, almost every year he began to achieve outstanding results. In 1990, Nemov became the winner in certain types of all-around at the Spartakiad of student youth of the USSR. In 1990-1993, he was a repeated participant in international competitions and a winner in both individual types of the program and in the absolute championship.
In 1993, Nemov won the victory at the RSFSR Cup in the all-around, and at the international meeting "Stars of the World 94" he became the bronze medalist in the all-around. A year later, Alexei Nemov wins the Russian championship, becomes a four-time champion of the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg and receives three gold and one silver medals at the European Championships in Italy.
At the XXVI #Olympic Games in Atlanta (USA), Alexei Nemov becomes a two-time Olympic champion, receives two gold, one silver and three bronze medals. In 1997, he won the gold medal at the World Championships in Switzerland. In 2000, Alexei Nemov won the World and European Championships, became the winner of the World Cup. At the XXVII Olympic Games in Sydney (Australia), Aleksey became the absolute champion, having won six Olympic medals: two gold, one silver and three bronze.
At the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Nemov arrived in the rank of the clear favorite and leader of the Russian national team, despite the injury he received before the competition, showing a high class, confidence in execution and the complexity of the programs. However, his performance on the crossbar with the most complex elements (including 6 flights, including a bunch of three flights by Tkachev and Ginger's flight) was overshadowed by a scandal. The judges gave clearly underestimated marks (especially the judge from Malaysia, who gave only 9.6 points), the average was 9.725. After that, the indignant spectators in the hall, standing, for 7-8 minutes with incessant shouts, roars and whistles, protested against the decision of the judges and supported the athlete with ovations, not allowing the next (American) athlete to enter the platform. Confused judges and the FIG technical committee for the first time in the history of gymnastics changed their marks, setting the average slightly higher - 9.762, but still depriving Nemov of the medal. The audience continued to be indignant and stopped protests only when Alexei himself came out and asked the audience to calm down. After this incident, some judges were removed from judging, an official apology was brought to the athlete, and revolutionary changes were made to the rules (in addition to the score for the technique, a score for complexity was introduced, which took into account each element separately, as well as the connections between individual complex elements).
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