Song Of Delgadina:
"This poetico-musical theme is in fact a traditional Chilean version of the Spanish romance of Delagdina, which is known in very large areas of the Iberian Peninsula and of Latin america. In Chile it is met with throughout the great central region of the country and more rarely in the extreme south.
The example heard in this recording is of singular interest because of the use of the minor mode and the absence of an instrumental accompaniment. These two factors are truly exceptional when compared with the way European folkloristic romances are usually sung in Chile, and afford good reason for dating this song to a period of considerable antiquity in the traditional cultural development of the country." - Manuel Dannemann.
From Musical Atlas series (Chile).
Voice: Gabriela Pizarro.
Label: Odeon.
"Delgadina" (Voice: Gabriela Pizarro)
DelgadinaChileGabriela pizarroMusical atlas chileUNESCO Collection of Traditional Music of the WorldUNESCO (Membership Organization)UNESCO World Heritage Site (Natural Or Cultural Site Designation)Hispanic And Latino Americans (Ethnicity)traditional chilean musictraditional musicDark Wave (Musical Genre)FolkA Cappella (Musical Genre)Dark Ambient (Musical Genre)dark sound