In this exclusive interview, actor Dil Ramesh shares his candid thoughts on the highly anticipated movie NTR 31, directed by Prashanth Neel. Dil Ramesh makes some sensational comments about the film's storyline, his experience working with the talented director, and the incredible buzz surrounding the project. He talks about the exciting collaborations, the role he plays, and what audiences can expect from this blockbuster. Don’t miss this insightful conversation about one of the most awaited films in the industry! #teluguone #DilRamesh #NTR31 #PrashanthNeel #UpcomingMovie #ActorInterview #SensationalComments #TollywoodNews #FilmInsights #MovieBuzz #ActorThoughts #NTR31Update #MovieExpectations #PrashanthNeelFilm #dilrameshinterview #dilrameshmovies
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