The #Mandela effect is related to a very interesting phenomenon among people. It turns out that whole groups of people remember historical facts in a completely wrong way.
This #phenomenon is named after the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, because it is associated with his death. It turns out that millions of people around the world clearly remember that Mandela died in the 1980s in prison and even remember watching footage of his funeral on the news. However, as we know, Mandela did not die until 2013 and all these people were surprised by his death because they thought he was already dead.
According to people who consider the "Mandela effect", it is due to the existence of parallel realities very close to each other, and we transfer from one to the other at a certain time.
One of the most frequently cited examples of the "Mandela effect" is the iconic line from "Star Wars" when Darth Vader tells Luke Skylocker that he is his father. How do you remember Vader's line from that scene? Most people remember: Luke, I'm your father! All the pictures on the internet are also made like this. Even the actor who voices Darth Vader remembers him that way. But now let's see what the line is in the movie. "No, I'm your father."
The next example is related to the so-called Tank boy. This is a man who, during a protest in China in 1989, faced the tanks of the Chinese army. Many people remember this fatal situation. They have clear memories of the tanks running over the protester, but in reality this is not the case.
The tanks try to surround the man, and after a while, several men come and move the protester out of the way of the tanks.
It turns out again that their memories are not real.
Another example is the Kennedy assassination. Most people believe there were 4 people in the car when the president was assassinated. There are reenactments where a 4 seater car is used. But there were 6 people in the car.
There are dozens and hundreds of other examples of the Mandela Effect. You can see a lot of them at or by doing a Google search for them.
Do #parallel #realities really exist, or have the brains of so many people somehow been tricked into creating false memories? Write your thougts and don`t forget to subscribe for the channel.
The MANDELA EFFECT proved by an old phone camera
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