क्या है छोटी काशी Gola Gokaran Nath का सम्बन्ध Baidyanath Jyotirling से
The distance of Gola Gokarnath Temple from LRP Churaha Lakhimpur Kheri is about 37 kms
One can travel by Road or Train to reach the temple
On the way you will reach Gola via Lalpur Barial, Fardhan and Rajganj
Gola Gokarna Nath Temple is of Ramayana period (Treta Yuga) and the story of Baba Baidya Nath Jyotirlinga is told the same here
#GolaGokaranNath #BaidyaNathJyotirlig #ShailendraBanswar
Your Queries-
Gola Gokana Nath Mandir
Kaise Pahuche Gola Gokarannath Mandir
Shiv Mandir Gola Gola Gokaran Nath Lakhimpur Kheri
गोला गोकर्णनाथ मंदिर लखीमपुर खीरी
शिव मंदिर गोला गोकर्णनाथ लखीमपुर खीरी
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