Song Credits
Title: Shake It Baby
Artiste: Raymond Ramnarine (TMB) X Devanand Gattoo
Produced by Bakyard Studios
Producers: Raymond Ramnarine and Richard Ramnarine
Composers: V. Ramnarine and D. Gattoo
Background Vocals: Jerome Charles, Akshay Bissoon, Stephen Marcelle, Wesley Phillips, Riad Sultan, Robert Isles, Raymond Ramnarine
Dholak/Dhantal: Raj Singh
Harmonium: Raymond Ramnarine
Writers: V. Ramnarine and D. Gattoo
Mixed by Avenash Richard Ramnarine
Mastered by Nikholai Greene
Artwork by A.J.R. (KOD)
Executive Producer: Kuchela Entertainment
Video Credits
Directed by Enhanced Media Systems Ltd.
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