Hello everyone! Thank you for tuning in to Bible Reading Challenge Day 130.
I really want to encourage everyone to read the books of the bible. Everyday, we are going to read one chapter! It's only about 6-10 mins per day! Come on! Let's take this challenge together!
We are currently reading:
Gospel of Romans Chapter 13.
Bible Version : NIV (New International Version)
BRC day 130 (Let's read Romans 13)
BethanyBethany ChurchBethany UMCBethany WayneBethany Elementary ministryBethany Gospeland ministryBethany Children's ministryGospelandGospeland ministryGospeland elementary ministryGospeland children's ministryElementary ministryChildren's ministryBRCBible Reading ChallengePastor JoonPastor JoonhyungPastor Joonhyung kimJoonJoonhyungJoon KimJoonHyung Kim김준형P JoonBible ReadingRomans 13