Do you remember the cable channel Boomerang? Its kind of like Cartoon Network, but more specifically for classic series or shows that don't have room on the main channel. Here I explain the possible outcomes for Boomerang in the future and some tips for them in order to stay relevant and not become defunct. Also screw you Cuckcast for refusing to carry Boomerang, all because you want to hold a grudge with Warner Bros/TimeWarner.
I forgot to add this part in this video, but Boomerang desperately needs a rebrand/revamp. The current branding, bumpers, and promos are nearly a decade old, and are bland and repetitive. It also uses the dreaded corporate art style. Definitely could use a refresh and a start of a new era!
By the way, thank you for a whole 100 subscribers, I didn't expect to gain that many within only two months!
The Future of Boomerang
BoomerangCartoon NetworkCheckered PastBoomerang from Cartoon NetworkFromCartoonitoWarner BrosWarner Bros DiscoveryWBDFuturePredictionPredictionsSpeculationRumorRumorsTheoryCommentaryReviewNostalgiaThrowbackCableTelevisionCable TVCarriageComcastXfinityTimeWarnerTurner BroadcastingTurnerShutdownRebrandInternationalUnited StatesThailandCanadaMENAAsiaEuropeBoomerang TheaterScheduleLineupClassics