Esskabob: A channel where I read out a selection of hand-picked greentexts from the depths of 4chan. With tales about fumbles and feels, wholesome moments to woeful moments, we take an insight into the lives of some of the anons that lurk on 4chan.
As said on 4chan:
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
#4chan #greentext #story
Anon Tries To Order A Coffee || Greentext Stories
4chan green text4changreen textgreen text stories4chan stories4chan story time4chan top postsr/greentextr/greentext top posts4chan funny4chan cringe4chan sad4chan best4chan postsreddittop postsr/askredditreddit top postsreddit cringeaskreddit top postsreddit storiesfunny redditbest reddit postsbest of redditaskreddit funnytoadfilmsemkaymemesloopygreentextgreentextsdaily greentextyour daily greentext/b//r9k//fit/