Getting back to my destash as I really want to get through this by the end of this year! In this video I'm going through everything the seemed more blue-green or green-blue, so my teals, turquioise and aquamarine shades (I never know where one ends and the next begins!). Sorry my camera was really struggling with this colour category to show the polish colours accurately. Where this is the case I have said if they look different IRL.
Thanks for watching xx
Follow me on Instagram @thenailpolishhound
Disclaimer: The products used in this video were purchased by me (or gifted from friends) unless stated as being *Ad/gifted. When I receive products from companies for review the opinions I give are my honest thoughts on the products. Please also note that I am not a professional nail technician.
Sorting my Blue-Green Nail Polishes #declutter #destash
the nail polish hounddestashnail polish collectionnail polishdeclutternails polish@thenailpolishhoundsorting out my nail polishsortingholo tacochina glazesorting my nail polishnail polish destashnail polish decluttersorting my whole nail polish collectionnail lacquercollectionswatchingindiesmainstreamholohuge collectionhuge nail polish collectionhuge nail polish destashteal nail polishSea foam hometurquoise nail polishaquamarine