This is a short documentary movie which tells the story about Serbs and Croats, and why they so immensely hate each other.
This film was part of an in-depth school project.
I am terribly sorry for my microphone quality. Audio was recorded on a phone microphone due to the fact that I can't afford a proper one.
Origins of Hate (2020)
croatsserbswarhateserbs and croatssame peoplejasenovacgideon greifNDHHrvatskaUstaseThompsononDokumentarni filmdocumentaryconflictin-depthschool projectschoolprojectSerbiaCroatiaYugoslaviaKingdom of YugoslaviaWW2World War 2KrajisniciIndependent State of CroatiaOrigins of Hateorigins of hateOrigins Of HateimperialismusawarsNATOSFRJSFRYTitoAnte PavelicNezavisna Drzava HrvatskaNeovisna Drzava HrvatskaSrpskiHrvatskisrpskihrvatski