Completing a level 101 target for under a minute of damage. All ships are X1.
Notice how I bait the ballistas into firing at me when I'm far away from my intended target. This means that by the time I reach my target, the ballista is reloading, thus giving me time to stop my fleet and activate the shockwave damage bonus.
Flagship is a high-evade build. Since it has more health than the normal Daggerspine, it naturally attracts fire from the launchers as they have the King-Killer mechanic and will always target the ship with the most health. The high evade allows it to dodge most of those shots. Combat speed then allows the fleet to outrun the splash weapons. X1 is not required for this build to work, although it does provide some cushion in case you make a mistake.
Flagship build: eJxtjLEKAjEQRP9l6y2ybhI3KcXGbxCLoCseRC/kPBTEfze5a20ew/BmPvDSVMbHBPHIxojFlcRekGiz/Yvu+BNCqvex9qn4pne0cip6HlJeHp0h5CAB1+SdQ2uIZGFo8m3O+bCHSMZaZkbQd9H63M1DvkC8thv9/gAe6SqK
Rest of fleet: eJyrVipPTSzIzytWsoo2NjCwMNEhjTSL1VFKLMrNLwIZYGpgYGmmAyJNgcLFBanJmYk5IAkTA0NDCx1jS1NTHRDTHMg0MgEzLYGkgakhUHlGaU6Op4uSlaGBiYmxsZGOUmpFQWpRiVNpZk6KklUa0KDUWgCBqixm
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