I'm so excited to finally share my new class and collaboration with Get Messy Art Journal: Pieces!
This class is all about injecting your own life into your art journals to create additional layers of meaning and connect on even more levels. It's all about feeling a sense of fulfilment and connection in your pages even when the process and end result may not be 'perfect'.
If you're curious about the class you can find it here (there is also a free lesson available if you'd just like to test the waters!):
[ Ссылка ]
And you can also see some sneak peaks of the class over at the @getmessyartjournal instagram page or my personal page @johannaclough
E M A I L: johanna.clough@outlook.com
E T S Y S H O P: www.littlebindy.etsy.com
I N S T A G R A M:
personal: @johannaclough
business: @littlebindy
B L O G: johannaalyssa.blogspot.com.au
P I N T E R E S T: www.pinterest.com/johannaalyssa/
F A C E B O O K: www.facebook.com/littlebindy