Hazrat ibn abbas rz ki nasihat with English translation
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Our topic today is the advice of Hazrat Ibn Abbas, Wahhab bin Munba says:, That after the appearance of Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) he was being taken away, He visited Masjid Haram, On reaching there, there was a sound of some quarrel from a crowd, He said, take me to this congregation, I took him to this side and upon reaching there, you greeted him, They requested to sit down, So you refused and said that you do not know, That the group of special servants of Allah are those people, Whom his fear has kept silent, Although they are neither humble nor dumb but eloquent people, The speakers are wise, but the mention of the greatness of Allah has blown their minds, Their hearts are broken and their tongues are silenced because of it, And when they attain maturity on this condition, So, because of this, they hurry in doing good deeds, Where did you go away from them?, Wahab (may Allah be pleased with him) says that after that I did not see even two people gathered in one place, Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) used to cry so much because of the fear of Allah, Due to the constant flow of tears on the face, two channels were formed, In the above story, Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA), This is a simple recipe for arranging good deeds, Allah's majesty and greatness should be thought of after that, Every kind of good deed is easy and then it will surely be full of sincerity, In 24 hours of the day and night, if we take out even a little time to think about it, then what is difficult?,
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Hazrat ibn abbas rz ki nasihat with English translation
hazrat abbashazrat abbas ka waqiahazrat abbas ki shahadatabbasmola abbashazrat ghazi abbas ka waqiaghazi abbasfazail hazrat abbashazrat abbas ki junghazrat abbas ki janghazrat abbas alamdarhazrat abdullah bin abbas rahazrat abdullah bin abbashazrat e abbas ka waqiahazrat abdullah bin abbas in urduhazrat abbas vs ali akbarhazrat abbas ashazrat abbas nohahazrat abbas gravehazrat abbas ibn alihazrat abbas bin ali