Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus on Monday unveiled its flagship device, the OnePlus 6T, at an event in New York. OnePlus 6T has three variants priced at $549, $579, and $629. The 6T sports a 6.41-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 2340x1080 (402ppi) and 19.5:9 aspect ratio. It is the first phone from OnePlus to come with an in-display fingerprint scanner, called 'Screen Unlock'. The smartphone's 3,700mAh battery offers the best battery life-ever in a OnePlus device. It has a dual-camera setup (16MP and 20MP) and offers optical image stabilisation. The company has also introduced 2 new camera features - Nightscape and Studio Lighting.
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OnePlus 6T launch: Price, specifications and features
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