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On February 11, the SEBI had levied penalties on Chitra, NSE and others for violating rules while appointing Anand as chief strategic advisor and then re-designating him as the group operating officer and advisor to Chitra. The CBI said that its probe has revealed that Ramkrishna hired Subramanian as consultant in NSE without “following due procedure” and by coercing the HR Department of the bourse. He was also delegated with substantial power of management akin to the powers granted to the then CEO & MD, it added. Besides Ramkrishna and Subramanian, the CBI last month questioned NSE officials including former managing director Ravi Narain.The scam dates back to January 2015 when a whistleblower informed SEBI about unfair practices at the NSE, where certain brokers were being given early access to the colocation facility at the stock exchange. In this vidoe we explain how they did this!
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Additional Tax evasion reports
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Thumbnail by Credits: CNN-News 18, WION, NBC News, Money control pro, Business standard, TV18,Business Today, ABC news, CNBC, ET now ,Bloomberg originals, Financial Times, DW documentary, AL Jazeera English, BBC news, Firstpost. Fair use - This video is for educational purposes only. All materials used in this video, including images, audio, and video clips, are the property of their respective owners and are used here under the doctrine of fair use. This video is intended to provide commentary, criticism, research, and education on the subject matter. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
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