Discover the untold story behind David McCallum’s iconic portrayal of Ducky in "NCIS." Initially doubted by studio executives due to his age, McCallum faced significant skepticism regarding his appeal. However, show creator Don Bellisario stood firm, even threatening to cancel the show if McCallum wasn't cast. This unwavering belief led to McCallum's eventual success, cementing his legacy in the series. In this video, we explore how McCallum defied the odds, won hearts, and left an indelible mark, culminating in a heartfelt tribute episode after his passing in 2023.
#DavidMcCallum #NCIS #Ducky #DonBellisario #TVLegends #TributeEpisode #HollywoodHistory #BehindTheScenes
00:00:00 NCIS Almost Canceled Over David McCallum Casting!
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