African Wildlife in the Masai Mara at its best: see through the lens of Klaus Tiedge and Dean Paarman who captured these beautiful sightings on film while on safari in the Massai Mara, Kenya.
In rain or shine, close up or in the distance, in groups or on its own: each animal has a special tribute in this short summary. The calming music underpins this collection beautifully.
During a photo-safari in Kenya, we stayed at this authentic and beautiful camp in the Masai Mara, Mara Ngenche. When not busy taking photographs in the bush, Klaus Tiedge & Dean Paarman were shooting scenes around the lodge. Here you can watch some videos we produced for them while staying at their wonderful camp.
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Safari & Wildlife photography Blog stories:
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Masai Mara Wildlife - Best Safari in Kenya
Klaus Tiedgewildlifefine artphotographersouth africalimited editionfine art printswildlife photography documentaryafricakenyasafari kenyaadventure travelwildlife photographyanimalswild animals africaDean Paarmanmaramasai maramaasai maramaasai peoplemasai mara wildlifemasai wildlifemara ngenche safari campmara ngenche