3 PM – 5 PM SAST: Plenary Panel on Justice, Auditing, and Participation
Inioluwa Deb Raji: “Audits and Accountability in the Age of Automated Decision Systems”
When algorithms fall short of articulated expectations, people get hurt.
Shakir Mohamed: “Visions of Justice through Participatory AI”
Participation of communities in the design advanced technologies is one vision for establishing inclusive and collaborative AI and technology development. There is now great deal of discussion on how to incorporate and enact participatory AI methods, and also a rich critique of the limitations of these methods. I’ll use examples from general language model design, AI and creativity, and weather forecasting, to explore different types of participatory AI, and to open a discussion about the possible forms of design and deployment that may allow AI systems to meaningfully serve people and communities.
Introduced by Matthew Stone Computer Science, Rutgers
More information on schedule [ Ссылка ]
About DJAI
DESIGN JUSTICE AI is a collaboration between faculty representing four humanities centers and the Design Justice Network. Lead PI Lauren M. E. Goodlad (Distinguished Professor of English & Comparative Literature, Chair of the Critical AI @ Rutgers initiative, and editor of Critical AI) and co-PI Matthew Stone (Professor of Computer Science at Rutgers) represent the Center for Cultural Analysis at Rutgers (with the collaboration of CCA Director Colin Jager); co-PI Katherine Bode (Professor of Literary and Textual Studies at ANU) represents the ANU’s Humanities Research Centre), co-PI Vukosi Marivate (Chair of Data Science at the University of Pretoria and lead for the Data Science for Social Impact Group) represents Pretoria’s Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship), and co-PI Eleni Coundouriotis (Professor of English at UConn) represents University of Connecticut’s Humanities Institute (in collaboration with current director Anna Mae Duane).
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