Tamizhi or Tamil Brahmi is an early script form of Tamil.
Tamizhi, one of the oldest scripts of the only surviving classical language in the country was used in inscriptions seen on temples, stone beds, caves, entrances of ancient monuments, coins, seals, earthenware, palaces, palm leaf manuscripts, and more.
Tamizhi was abandoned after the end of Kadai Sangam by 3rd century AD as the sharp lines of Tamizhi easily teared away the palm leaves which became difficult for the poets & writers to preserve and protect their writings , hence there was a need that eventually lead to finding of vattezhuththu that replaced the old form of writing.
Vattezhuthu (Rounded letters) was founded during the period of Kalapirar (250–600 AD).
Scholars and researchers say that there have been 19 notable changes in the Tamizhi script as it evolved, over centuries, into modern Tamil.
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10 Oldest Tamil Inscriptions (தமிழி)
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