Chil Zena are 40 natural stepping stones leading to nirvana or a vantage point of Old Kandahar where snipers have protected the people from invaders for eons.
There're Inscriptions dating back to over 555 years old. In fact, there's a rock inscription from the 3rd century BC by King Ashoka, who spread Buddhism throughout the known world at the time. Chil Zena has confirmed that the Greeks left their Spartan DNA in Kandahar, hence why the Pashtuns are such fierce warriors.
In this video, we’ll cross paths with the kindest and most adorable kids at the very top and losing team members along the hike from the summer desert heat, ignited by global warming.
In addition, I might even give you snippets of other vantage points in Asia.
Thanks for hitting the like button, sharing and continuing to be part of the journeys, by staying subscribed.
Your Afghan-American pal!
Haji MONIERE-Ahmad Ishqi-Sufi Noor
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