Using SmartPLS, I discussed structural model assessment (SmartPLS) highlighting the 5 steps that are needed in order to conduct the structural model assessment in SmartPLS to arrive at hypothesis testing and data reports.
This video #11 introduces you to the structural model assessment that proceeds into 5 steps.
In the first step, we check for vertical and lateral multi-collinearity issues. In the second step, we assess the relationships among variables before we assess R square in the third step.
The fourth step assess f square and the last step assesses the predictive relevance (Q square).
#modelassessment,, #directeffects, #indirecteffects, #totaleffects, #effectsize, #predictiverelevant, #fsquare, #lateralcollinearity, #verticalcollinearity, #rsquare, #pathcoefficient
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#structural model assessment using (SmartPLS)
structural equation modelingfrom measurement model to structural modelstructural modelformative modelstructural equation modellingstructural equation modeling examplestructural equation modeling for beginnerspartial least squares path modelingstructural equation modeling explainedstructural modeling and analysissemderekongsmartplsspssstatisticsmulticollinearityvifvariance inflationr-squareregressionStructual model assessment