Vita Osojnik
plesna predstava / a dance performance
O predstavi
Predstava je nastala kot izpeljanka predstave Blance Arriete Začasno poravnana telesa, ki pa jo je Vita Osojnik dodatno poglobila v ekspresionistične črte risb Egona Schieleja.
Blanca Arrieta se je v projektu Začasno poravnana telesa opirala na ekspresionističnega slikarja Egona Schieleja. Vsebina je na koncu le bežno oplazila izvorno idejo, saj je predstava raziskovala predvsem minimalizem geste. Vita Osojnik, asistentka koreografinje pri projektu Arrietove, tokrat prevzame vlogo koreografinje. Koncept, ki ga je razvila, podrobneje proučuje izvorno idejo Schieleja in ji dodaja nekaj svojih svežih premis.
Naslov predstave je besedna igra, ki pretvori Blancin projekt v Vitinega. Preobrazba se zgodi tako na odru kot za njim. Skupina soustvarjalcev se iz prvotnih šestih skrči na štiri plesalce. Glasbena pokrajina je posebej ustvarjena za Zadržana telesa. Kostumografija poustvarja videz likov Egona Schieleja v vsej njihovi očarljivo razcapani zunanjosti, ki dodatno prihaja do izraza ob subtilnem oblikovanju luči. Svetloba nam razkrije njihove geste in poudari prostor v katerem se gibajo.
Predstava Začasno zadržana telesa tone globlje v melanholijo in provokacijo. Obe stanji sta tako zelo značilni za like, ki jih ustvarja Egon Schiele. Predstava pozornost usmerja tudi v samo ekspresivnost prostora.
Igranje z bližino, razdaljo, spremstvom in občasnimi dotiki pa razločno odražajo trenutno Covid-19 situacijo v našem prostoru.
About the performance
The performance was made as a consequent derivate of Blanca Arrieta’s pefrormance Realignments, but Vita Osojnik additionaly deepens the performance content into the expressionist lines of Egon Schiele’s sketches.
Blanca Arrieta grounded her project Realignments on the sketches of an expressionist painter Egon Schiele. That was the elementary idea, but her performance turned into the exploration of minimalistic gestures. Vita Osojnik who was an assistant choreographer to Arrieta’s project, now takes on the role of choreographer. The concept she developed thoughtfully studies the elementary Schiele idea as well as adding her own fresh premises.
The title of the performance is a word game that transforms Blanca’s project into Vita’s project. The renewal happens on the stage as well as behind it. Group of co-creators was reduced form original six to final four dancers. The music landscape is created specifically for detained bodies. The costume design recreates the presence of Egon Schiele’s characters. Their charmingly shabby outward appearance is even more emphasised with the subtle lighting. The light shows their gestures and highlights the space they move in.
The performance Temporarily detained bodies dives deep into melancholy and provocation. Both states are common features found in most of Egon Schiele’s sketches. The performance directs the attention also into the expressiveness of the space itself.
Playing with closeness, distance, accompaniment and occasional touches clearly reflect the current Covid-19 situation in our space.
Koncept, koreografija in kostumi / Concept, Choreography & Costumes: VITA OSOJNIK
Soustvarjanje in ples / Co-creation & Dance: ALJA BRANC, LARA MATEA IVANČIČ, EMA KRIŽIČ, JULIJA PEČNIKAR
Avtorska glasba / Original Music: MATEVŽ KOLENC
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: ALJAŽ ZALETEL
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Kamera / Camera: GREGOR GOBEC
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
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