This collaboration video follows on from The SPQR Historian's video about the Crisis of the Third Century and how it finally ended after 50 years of devastation and warfare.
The SPQR Historian's Part:
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00:00 Introduction
00:59 Political Stabilisation
04:40 External Factors
05:50 Economic Recovery and Monetary Collapse
08:23 Military Reorganisation
10:25 Social and Religious Change
12:28 Administrative Reform
14:12 Conclusion
Primary Sources
Aurelius Victor, De Caesaribus, Translated by H. W. Bird (1994).
Dexippus, Fragments, New Jacoby Edition.
Epitome De Caesaribus, Translated by T. M. Banchich, - Third Edition (2018).
Eutropius, The Breviarium ad Urbe Condita, Translated by H. W. Bird, (1993).
Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Translated by P. L. Maier, (2007).
John Lydus, De Mensibus – Second Edition, Translated by Mishcha Hooker, (2017).
John Zonaras, The History, Translated by Thomas M. Banchich, (2009).
Orosius, Seven Books of History Against the Pagans, Translated by A. T. Fear, (2010).
Zosimus, New History, Translated by R. T. Ridley, (1986).
Casey, P. J. (1994) Carausius and Allectus: The British Usurpers, London.
Jones, A. H. M. (1964) The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol. II, Cambridge.
Potter, D. S. (2004) The Roman Empire at Bay AD180-395, London.
Rees. R, (2004) Diocletian and the Tetrarchy, Edinburgh.
Southern, P. (2001) The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine, Routledge.
Watson, A. (1999) Aurelian and the Third Century, London.
Williams, S. (1985) Diocletian and the Roman Recovery, London.
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Music Credits:
'Time', 'Shadows', 'Guillotine' and 'Pawns' by Ed Lima and Steve Maitland from Empire Earth by Stainless Steel Studios.
All images used are for educational purposes, if I have used a piece of art and you would like me to credit you, please contact me and I shall do so.
The Crisis of the Third Century: How Did it End?
eastern roman historyeastern roman empirebyzantine historybyzantine empirebyzantine emperorsbyzantinescrisis of the third centurydiocletianthe spqr historianspqr historian collabeastern roman history collabgallienusgordian iiivalerianaurelianprobuscarusgaleriusconstantius iconstantine iseverusiitetrarchymaximinusthe dominatethe principatethird century crisisempire divided