Please come and see how we transform a vacant condo apartment at Yonge/Sheppard into a dream home ! Want to impress more potential buyers in your area? Stage with iHome !
Our company is a Canadian based structure with two main Advisors to help clients' realize what their homes are missing when they're on sale. Tailored to our clients' requests, we pick out themes, combinations, and decorations that help max the potential a property has on the market. Home staging is an art and a way to help personalize and give a "homey" feel to your house. Choosing correlation factors between character, space, and personality , we can find and make the right design for you.
Social media:
Facebook & ins: ihomestaging
Wechat: ihomestagingca
RED (xiaohongshu):iHome Staging
Bilibili: iHome_Staging
visit our website: , and leave your contact + message ( location, area in sqft, #rooms, #storeys, etc.) We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Chill Day by Lakey Inspired
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