TDK D Cassette This is The Tape That has Set The Standard. The Legendary TDK D, is regarded as the workhorse of the Cassette World. The TDK D with Japanese Tape or Japanese Tape. Setting the standards. It has been around for many decades and is reliable and trustworthy. It is not the highest-performing tape. It is a Type 1, and it has a pedigree. It is the type of tape that was used by almost everyone around the world. It has sold in the millions. It is an excellent tape to use as a reference to compare other tapes with. It is the type of tape that Japanese manufacturers use to set the recording settings on machines.
Purchase Links.
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00:00 What is Gold
00:21 Sony
00:26 How Good?
00:30 To Come
00:47 Why TDK D 90
01:00 Parameters
01:29 Begining of the Adventure
01:39 Start 0dB
02:37 -20dB
03:45 Advanced
05:58 Enter the Teac W-1200
06:22 TDK D90 Physical
07:30 The interesting results
07:35 Listening to TDKd90 on W-1200
08:31 Charts and explanation
09:15 Good Charts
10:00 What's the Point.
11:51 End results.
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TDK D Cassette This is The Tape That has Set The Standard
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