This is the "September 2023 Numerology Forecast" for the 7 Universal Year and 7 Universal Month Number … PLUS … your own "Personal Year” and "Personal Month” Number by Michelle Buchanan - Numerologist of 33 Years, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Hay House author of:
- The Numerology Guidebook
- Numerology Guidance Oracle Cards
- Numerology Guidance Oracle Cards APP
- Hay House Basics Numerology
- Numerology Made Easy
- Hay House U Numerology ONLINE COURSE
Your "Personal Year Number" Calculation Formula:
Step 1: Add the DAY and MONTH of your Birthdate to 7 … because 7 is the total of 2023 (2+0+2+3=7)
Step 2: Add “double digit numbers” together until you get a single digit number between 1 and 9 … This is your Personal Year Number for 2023.
Example: For Birthdate 18 December = 1 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 19 … then add double digit numbers together ie. 1 + 9 = 10 … then 1 + 0 = 1 Personal Year Number.
In the introduction you will receive information about how to make the 2023 "7 Universal Year" and "7 Universal Month" the best month and year it can be.
Personal Year Number 1: 18:50
Personal Year Number 2: 23:44
Personal Year Number 3: 26:12
Personal Year Number 4: 28:30
Personal Year Number 5: 31:20
Personal Year Number 6: 35:29
Personal Year Number 7: 39:38
Personal Year Number 8: 42:05
Personal Year Number 9: 45:38
The 7 Universal Year is the overall forecast "for the world" this year, and it lays the
underlying foundation for what's going on and what is to come on a "global" level.
So globally, it is the "dominant" vibration and agenda. In September we're also in a 7 Universal Month Number - therefore we get a double dose of the 7 energy.
This 7 Universal Month and Year is a time of "Awakening" with a focus on Health and Wellbeing as well as Personal and Spiritual Growth. It is also a year of TRUTH where certain secrets and "untruths" will be exposed. This can occur in many different ways, such as: Awakening to our "Spiritual Truth" and understanding "who" and "what" we TRULY are as Powerful Creative Beings with the ability to "Raise our Vibration" to Ascend into a 5D reality of Unity Consciousness and Blissful Happiness where LOVE is the governing force ... OR ... Awakening to the corruption in the political, financial, and corporate arena worldwide, as many untruths are being exposed ... OR ... Awakening to a truth about ourselves by identifying and re-programming a negative pattern of behavior that had disempowered us until this point. These are only 3 examples of the many different ways in which humanity's global awakening can play out.
So stay positive!!! Remain optimistic about our future and always live in the LIGHT.
This month and 2023 overall, is a time where having a strong SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION and a strong sense of FAITH in the Divine, ourselves, the future of humanity and better things to come will help us to overcome any personal and global challenges. Therefore, creating space for quiet time alone (especially in nature) to process new information, contemplate the deeper meaning of life, and strengthen our relationship (and connection) to SOURCE ENERGY will benefit us greatly this year.
Adopting consistent spiritual practices such as: meditation, breathwork, mindfulness
self analysis, prayer, yoga, Qi Gong, EFT (Tapping), holistic wellness modalities,
group mediations and visualizations to call in LOVE, LIGHT, TRUTH and HEALING
will have a major positive impact upon everyone and everything, this year. Alongside the Universal Year and Universal Month Number that influences us all - we also have a Personal Year Number and a Personal Month Number that is more dominant for us "personally". This is the most obvious forecast that is often felt more strongly in our personal lives.
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