This auger is stunning! Seeing this machine in action never gets old. This drill rig is available for rent or for purchase; see details here: [ Ссылка ]
HPM 200 uses a Caterpillar Cat 330F, this base has a C7.1 ACERT Tier 4 diesel engine with a power of 180 kW (175 kW fly wheel). HPM 200 high torque is equipped with self-erecting counter weight lift and an upper house lock for drilling in rocky conditions.
The HPM 200 is ideal for:
Power Line
Low Head Room Bored Piles
Large Diameter Bored Piles
Soil Mixing
Down the Hole Hammer
Hydraulic Hammer for Precast Piles
STUNNING Shot of this HPM 200 Auger! | #SHORTS
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