Seekor gajah liar jantan viral di media sosial karena melintasi jalan tol Pekanbaru-Dumai, Riau. Gajah liar bernama Codet ini terpantau kamera pengawas menyeberang ruas jalan tol Pekanbaru Permai, kilometer 73. Dari pantauan BBKSDA Riau, terowongan gajah yang telah disediakan pihak tol Permai terendam air akibat hujan lebat malam sebelumnya. BBKSDA Riau bersama pengelola tol permai akan membuat saluran air agar terowongan khusus gajah ini tidak tergenang kembali saat hujan.
A male wild elephant has gone viral on social media for crossing the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road in Riau. A wild elephant named Codet, was seen on surveillance cameras crossing the Pekanbaru Permai toll road, kilometer 73. From the observations of BBKSDA Riau, the elephant tunnel provided by the toll road management was submerged in water due to heavy rains the previous night. BBKSDA Riau together with the Permai toll road management will ensure this special elephant tunnel does not flood again when it rains.
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