The Whitewater by Off the Grid Studios is an inspiring and thought-provoking fly fishing film that dives deep into the lives of Kate Taylor and Justin Crump, a couple who’ve built their livelihood and lifestyle around their love for the water. Guiding in Alaska and Oregon, they experience the serenity, thrill, and clarity that fishing brings. However, this connection to wild rivers reveals stark environmental challenges—threats to watersheds, ecosystems, and their very way of life.
As Kate and Justin navigate the chaos of environmental advocacy, they draw parallels between the turbulence of whitewater rapids and the fight for conservation. From the wilds of Bristol Bay, Alaska, to the impacted watersheds of Oregon, their story is a call to action for anglers, conservationists, and outdoor lovers to stand up for the places that sustain us.
Packed with breathtaking scenery, unforgettable fishing encounters, and an inspiring message of stewardship, The Whitewater captures the heart of fly fishing and the urgency of protecting wild places.
THE WHITEWATER was featured in the 2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour.
#flyfishing #FlyFishingFilm #steelhead #F3t
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