Tečejo, tečejo nitke življenja/Threads of Life
Glasba/ Music: Marija Ahačič Pollak, arr. Tomaž Pirnat, Timotej Kosovinc
Besedilo/ Lyrics: Marija Ahačič Pollak
Vokalna skupina Plamen prihaja iz Kanade, družinske korenine vseh pevk pa segajo v Slovenijo. Skupino pevk v Torontu vodi slovenska izseljenka, glasbenica in nekdanja pevka Ansambla bratov Avsenik, Marija Ahačič Pollak. Vizualizacija njene avtorske pesmi Tečejo, tečejo nitke življenja je nastala ob Planšarskem jezeru na Zgornjem Jezerskem.
Plamen Vocal Group consists of ladies born and living in Canada whose ancestors come from Slovenia. The Choir was assembled and is still led by Slovenian emigrant musician and the former singer of the Avsenik Brothers Ensemble, Marija Ahačič Pollak. The visualization of her song was recorded by Planšar Lake in the mountain valley of Slovenia, Zgornje Jezersko.
About the song
A poetic interpretation of life compared to fabric and the threads of life. Life is made of short and long threads, some that are strong, some are fragile. It is stitched together by moments of happiness, sadness, and everything in between. We try to keep the threads of life happy and long, while making the threads of grief short. When the threads are running or weak, we should repair them quickly to ensure they don’t break and unravel. Most importantly, we should all live for the happy moments and enjoy the threads that make up the fabric of life.
Uredništvo glasbenih in baletnih oddaj TVS / TV Slovenia Music and Dance Department
Režiser / TV Director Aljaž Bastič
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