#Poland #History #Maps #Poland-Lithuania #Ukraine #Russia #Lithuania
Which states ruled over present-day Poland throughout history? Teutons? Russians? Swedes? Austrian Habsburgs? Germans? Mongols? or Poles?
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This video shows the political history (i.e. distribution of territorial control) of Poland between 380 AD and 2018.
Note: Vassals, tributaries, dependencies, protectorates etc. are counted as part of the parent nation.
History of Poland (since 380 AD) - Every Year
history of PolandPolish historyPoland historyPolandhistory of Poland every yearKingdom of PolandPolish-Lithuanian CommonwealthSecond Polish Republichistory of the Polesmapmappingmapshistoryhistoria PolskiPolska historiaHistoria PolskiPolskahistoria Polski każdego rokuKrólestwo polskieRzeczpospolita Obojga NarodówII Rzeczpospolita Polskahistoria Polakówmapamapowaniemapyhistoriawarempiretimelinehistory of poland mapping