Bollywood is no stranger to controversies, and some incidents have left fans stunned and gossip mills buzzing. From Amitabh Bachchan’s alleged tax evasion case to the infamous forced kiss involving Rekha, the industry has seen its fair share of scandals. Then there’s the Bipasha Basu and Amar Singh MMS leak that took the internet by storm, and the uproar over Kareena Kapoor being cast as Sita Maa, which sparked debates about representation and faith. Dive into these controversial moments and unravel the stories behind them in this video!
Narrated By - Arfan Kayum
Wriiten And Researched By - Anny K
Edited By - Siraj Saifi & Anny K
Background Score By - Anny K
Thumbnail By - Zakir Panjwani
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Bollywood controversies, Amitabh Bachchan tax evasion, Rekha kiss controversy, Bipasha Basu Amar Singh MMS, Kareena Kapoor Sita controversy, Bollywood scandals, controversial Bollywood moments, Bollywood gossip, top Bollywood controversies, Bollywood news,Bollywood controversies, Amitabh Bachchan tax evasion, Rekha kiss controversy, Bipasha Basu Amar Singh MMS, Kareena Kapoor Sita controversy, Bollywood scandals, controversial Bollywood moments, Bollywood gossip, top Bollywood controversies, Bollywood news, Bollywood drama, Bollywood celebrities, Rekha controversies, Bipasha Basu controversies, Kareena Kapoor news, Amitabh Bachchan controversies, Indian cinema scandals, Bollywood viral moments, Bollywood shocking incidents, Bollywood controversies 2024, Bollywood breaking news
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