The new 2,000 rupee note, said the Reserve Bank or RBI in a statement, will include several features like a see-through register with the denominational numeral 2,000 which can be seen when the note is held up against light.
There will also be a latent image with the denominational numeral 2,000, which can be seen when the bank note is held at a 45 degree angle at the eye level.
The note will also have a colour-shifting windowed security thread with the inscription '''''', RBI and 2,000. The colour of the thread will change from green to blue when the note is tilted.
For the visually-impaired, there will a raised print of Mahatma Gandhi's portrait, the Ashoka Pillar emblem, bleed lines and identity marks.
The RBI said the 2,000 rupees notes have a motif of the Mangalayan, India's Mars mission and the base colour is magenta
New Security Features of the 2000 RUPEE NOTE
2000 RUPEES NOTE AND 500 NOTE DETAILED LOOK2000 rupees note500 new note2000 rupees new note2000 rupees note details2000 rupees note features2000 rupee note rbi2000 note features2000 note2000 rupees note gps500 rupees new note500 rupes new note features500 and 1000 rupee notes bannedhow to change 500 and 1000 rs notes5001000 notes BannedPM MOdi speech on currencynew 500 notenew 2000rupeesrupeenoteblack moneypm modi