The sudden death of Bollywood actress Sridevi, who came to Bhaija Meheth Marwah's wedding in Dubai, is full of Bollywood shock including family and fences. Today is the third day and the body of the actress is still waiting for everyone to come to India. Meanwhile, a video of Sridevi appeared on social media in which she is seen dancing. This video is about the marriage of Mohit Marwah in which anyone can not believe that watching them dance and fun is that this beautiful actress is no longer among us.
In the marriage of Mohit Marwah, photos and videos of Sridevi will be seen in your house. Now, on social media, fans are not tired of seeing Sridevi's video in which she is seen dancing with hands with Bonnie Kapoor's younger brother Anil Kapoor. After seeing the video, it seems as if Sridevi is among us.
On the wedding day, Sridevi was very happy that she also danced with the guests. Not only Sridevi, Jaya Bachchan also looked slim in this marriage. After marriage, Sridevi's husband, Boney Kapoor, returned to Mumbai with her little daughter happily from Dubai, but Sridevi stayed alone in Hotel Jumeir Amirts Tower.
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