⭐️SAVE this flower ball run inspo!
Here is a @connetixtiles ball run using their new shapes and rectangles packs. If you don’t have these shapes yet, see below for substitution.
What you need:
🌈6 large triangles (or 6 equilateral triangles)
🌈6 2x1 rectangles (or 12 squares)
🌈1 4x1 rectangle (or 4 squares)
🌈23 small squares
🌈3 quarter circles (or 3 squares)
🌈8 right triangles
🌈2 equilateral triangles
🌈2 rhombus (or 1 hexagon or 6 equilateral triangles)
🌈1 diamond (or 2 equilateral triangles)
Start with the 2 rhombus or hexagon and make your flower using a combination of large triangles and rectangles. Then add framing to the flower and add a second level to make a track. You can roll balls or cars down.
FOLLOW @pandamommyteacher for more play inspiration. 💫
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