This video shows a Trabeculated urinary bladder.
Trabeculation of the bladder affects the amount of urine that urinary bladder can hold and the way that it's emptied. A trabeculated bladder is no longer able to expand when filled with urine and contract when emptied.
The normal bladder wall had a mean thickness of 2.76 mm when the bladder is almost empty and 1.55 mm when it is distended. There is a linear relationship between bladder fullness and bladder wall thickness; the upper limits are 3 and 5 mm for a full or empty bladder respectively.
Bladder outlet obstruction can arise from a number of conditions affecting the urethra and/or bladder outlet but is most commonly encountered in elderly men due to Prostate enlargement.
Obstruction can be caused by multiple etiologies but is most often seen from urethral strictures, mass lesions within the periurethral region, prostate enlargement, and congenital urethral valves.
Radiographic features On radiographic evaluation, the bladder wall appears thickened and trabeculated. Urinary retention is noted with increased post-void residual on sonographic or voiding studies.
Ultrasound Video showing a Trabeculated urinary bladder.
Ultrasound VideoUltrasound VideosSonographyVideoVideosSonographic VideosScanning VideoScanning VideosScanning TechniquesUltrasoundUltrasonographySaeed AhmadDr. Saeed Ahmad SandhuTrabeculation of the bladderTrabeculation of the urinary bladderTrabeculaTrabeculaeTrabeculae in urinary bladderTrabeculated urinary bladderTrabeculated bladderthickening of the bladder wallRenal cystSimple renal cystCystitisSludge in urinary bladderUTI